Blanket Flower Gaillardia Pulchella

Gaillardia pulchella indian blanket melekula wai kahuli waikahuli typical red flowers.
Blanket flower gaillardia pulchella. Indian blanket gaillardia pulchella is a short lived perennial or annual noted for its brilliant daisy like flowers. A hybridized cross between g. There are over two dozen species in the gaillardia genus and most are native to some area of north america. Gaillardia pulchella which is native from the southeastern u s.
Gaillardia is a north america native found from virginia to florida and westward to colorado and new mexico. Indian blanket grows in 14 24 in 35. Blanket flower gaillardia indian blanket asteraceae compositae back to list. Native to the southeastern us all the way west to colorado and down south to mexico g.
X grandiflora is likely the plant you ll. It has a high drought tolerance and does best with a dry hot climate in full sun. Indian blanket firewheel girasol rojo asteraceae aster family synonym s. Gaillardia pulchella is a hardy plant not picky about soil though sandy and well drained are best.
Habit with typical red flowers. Gaillardia pulchella indian blanket index. Through to colorado and south into mexico was cross bred with gaillardia aristata a prairie. Favored by honeybees it produces a dark reddish amber buttery tasting honey.
Fnps provides this link to assist users in finding sources for native plants. The flowers can be single double or semidouble and appear on long stems held above the foliage. Information from dichotomous key of flora novae angliae. Branched stems mostly leafy near the.
Gaillardia pulchella indian blanket melekula wai kahuli waikahuli. Its vibrantly colored flowers can be seen carpeting fields and the sides of highways for miles in the summer to late fall. These flowers are prolific on the barrier islands and will grow in the soft sand along beach walkways. The plant forms 12 24 tall clumps with soft hairy divided leaves.
Flowers appear in summer and are 2 3 in 5 7 6 cm across and are held upon 18 36 in 46 91 cm light green stems. Gaillardia also known as blanket flower is an easy to grow short lived perennial with richly colored daisy like flowers. Danielcd wikipedia cc by sa 3 0 flowers. Gapu usda native status.
Some members of fann may provide services that do not further the fnps mission and this link should not be considered to be. Pulchella is often grown as an annual. Gaillardia pulchella gaillardia pulchella foug. In doing so fnps is not attesting to the accuracy of any information on the fann webite.
Our variety is gaillardia pulchella foug. Phonetic spelling gay lar dee ah pul kel ah description. L48 n ak i hi i can firewheel or indian blanket is a popular annual growing 1 2 3 ft. Pictures identity summary of invasiveness.
A native of prairies across the americas g. The hairy stem is usually much branched and becomes woody at the base late in the season. Blanket flower is considered an annual but will readily reseed. Aristata is a perennial form of blanket flower.